Flights fully sorted, currency being exchanged, luggage coming together - its nearly time to go!!
Sardi has been working full time at Team Emu Draft Head office, running errands and crossing off the many list.
Karen has achieved a successful boomerang of our passports around all the right embassies with visas - only one more to get in London! She is working right up until Monday 7 July - so some serious packing will begin then.
Matilda, our feisty little car, is fully prepared and awaiting to meet us in Suffolk, England. We are also looking forward to meeting Dan - our Knight in Shining Armour who has sourced, housed and prepared Matilda - as soon as possible once we land in the England.
Team Emu Draft have been amazed at the generosity of people's support and massive interest in this endeavour.
5 sleeps to go!!!