Well, at the risk of speaking to soon, our plans seem to be falling into place. Yesterday the travel agent got our flights to the UK finally got sorted - and offered to personally donate her sleeping bag to our trip!
As our impending departure from Oz starts to approach, the critical topic of 'what music shall we upload on the ipod' is starting to take priority. It all started earlier in the week when we received a bunch of cassettes from a friend who had read our equipment wish list, and decided to make a musical contribution by sending us four tapes from her classic cassette collection.
I am confident that with our newly acquired "The Best Dance Music in the World... Ever!" circa 1989 cassette tape, our ability to extend the hand of international friendship during tense border crossings has been greatly strengthened. In fact, I may even send a copy of the UN. All we need now in some tinted colour cellophane for our mighty motor Matilda's ten spotlights and we'll have Eurovision on wheels!
If you have any musical suggestions for our i-Tunes shopping perusal, drop us a line at teamemudraft@gmail.com