Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Speed dating in Kyrgystan

Driving through Kyrgystan really is like speed dating - by 11am yesterday our score card was
we'd already had two invitations for coffee and one declaration of love and suggested procreation of children.

The first coffee invite came from a policeman who was busy chatting up Sardi. His fellow officer was trying make bolder moves on Karen, suggesting to her that they were the right age and suitability to marry and make babies, boldly declaring 'I love you!' as we sped away.

The award for the most impressive effort for the day has to go two fellows who tried to flag us over to stop. When we declined their charades, they sped ahead and parked at the nearest yurt cafe and stood in the middle of the road flailing their arms in the air to try convince us to stop for an impromptu double date. As we'd slept in the car the night before and hadn't showered or brushed our hair, we opted to keep going...